MedSci I

Medical Science Building

Building MedSci I summary description would go here

Sensors indicate no shuttle or other ships in this sector. According to coordinates, we have travelled 7,000 light years and are located near the system J-25. Tractor beam released, sir. Force field maintaining our hull integrity. Damage report? Sections 27, 28 and 29 on decks four, five and six destroyed. Without our shields, at this range it is probable a photon detonation could destroy the Enterprise.

Now what are the possibilities of warp drive? Cmdr Riker's nervous system has been invaded by an unknown microorganism. The organisms fuse to the nerve, intertwining at the molecular level. That's why the transporter's biofilters couldn't extract it. The vertex waves show a K-complex corresponding to an REM state. The engineering section's critical. Destruction is imminent. Their robes contain ultritium, highly explosive, virtually undetectable by your transporter.